Frail humanity coerces us to affix labels in order to comprehend something that’s incomprehensible1.
The European Commission will subject fashion e-commerce to victimhood2.
Counterfeit bi-products consumed by the nascent youth will collapse and order will be restored within a radical interregnum3.
GR10K re-appropriates multifarious garments previously assembled for unrestrained resistance4.
A subordinate coterie taking a purblind askance approach to the current cataclysmic fashion crux5.
We aim to calibrate a destructive territorial vision that ruptures the present ideal6.
1. AUDIENCE FRAGMENTATION, the division of audiences into small groups due to the wide spectrum of media outlets.
2. DAWN RAIDS, price fixing investigations performed by The European Commission.
3. NECROPOWER, a sociopolitical, cultural, and economic formation planned for the purposes of control.
4. CONFRONT AND CONQUER, deploy military warfare fabrication and embody the diligence of pyromaniacs.
5. GEN-Z HYDRA. a persistent or many-sided problem that presents new obstacles as soon as one aspect is solved.
6. COUNTER-PRESENT. a caustic solution to the irrevocable end.